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Will writer training

Welcome to our partner training resources.

This is where you can access a series of short videos that will explain how you can start offering our market leading estate administration service to your clients.


We've split the training into short, bite size chunks to make it as simple to consume as possible. The videos below focus on how to position estate administration to your clients and their families, how to use our technology and some advice on how to integrate this service seamlessly into your existing business.

Once you have watched the videos, you will have a better understanding of how you can support your clients and their families when a loved one passes away.  If you have any questions regarding the videos or our service, please get in touch with us - we're here to help.  You can contact us on 0300  303 9000 or by email at partners@kctrust.co.uk. We look forward to working with you.


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Estate administration: how we can help you to grow your business

This short video introduces our estate administration service and the benefits that it can offer to you and your clients, We will explain how you, as a professional Will writer, can start offering a market leading service that supports your clients and their families whilst also generating additional revenue for your business.

Click here to watch the video - 14 minutes

Integrating estate administration into your Will writing business

Having gained an understanding of how estate administration can help you to grow your business, this video offers practical advice and guidance on how to integrate this service into your existing client proposition.

Click here to watch the video - 12 minutes

An introduction to Onsite

Onsite is the app that enables our business partners to provide a fixed price quote for our estate administration services. This short video introduces the technology and explains how you can use it to provide your clients with complete peace of mind.

Click here to watch the video - 8 minutes

An Introduction to Insight

Insight acts as the tool for managing all aspects of your relationship with Kings Court Trust.  Within the app you can track the progress of any cases you have referred to us, download useful information and much more.

Click here to watch the video - 11 minutes

An introduction to Fact-find

Business partners can use our Fact-find tool to gather all of the information that we need in order to administer a client's estate. The simple, step by step process can be completed in a family meeting or over the phone, making things as straightforward as possible for you and your client.

Click here to watch the video - 8 minutes

Take a look at our informative blog posts

Our blog posts showcase relevant industry news updates on what's happening in the probate and estate administration industry. 

Breaking the Stigma: Understanding Probate Regulation Beyond the SRA

When it comes to probate and estate administration in the UK, the regulatory landscape extends beyond the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). Many organisations, including the Institute of

Why Having a Professional Executor is Beneficial

When considering the role of an Executor, many people underestimate the complexity and responsibilities involved in administering an estate. This oversight can lead to significant financial and

How does gifting work? – Inheritance Tax edition

If you missed our social media gifting series from June and July, we've consolidated all our posts and are taking the opportunity to delve deeper into the nuances of Inheritance Tax (IHT) and

Clifton Black

Need to know more?

Our dedicated team of specialists are always here to help.

0300 303 9000

Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm