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GDPR: Understanding your data responsibilities

on Mar 21, 2018 5:06:09 PM By | Kings Court Trust |
Our first blog post about the GDPR looked at what it is, how it impacts your business and shared some actionable steps for you to take. Now, our second article goes into more detail about data including what information the GDPR applies to, how data can be used for Marketing and three of the biggest changes which you need to act upon as soon as possible.
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What is GDPR and how does it impact your business?

on Jan 4, 2018 10:58:21 AM By | Kings Court Trust |
GDPR is certainly an important topic of conversation which shouldn’t be ignored. The new data regulations could result in tougher fines so now’s the time to get to grips with the GDPR. This blog post covers what it is, how it differs from the Data Protection Act, why you should pay attention and the first steps you can take towards being compliant.
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