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Why you should be setting up Onsite for offline use

Posted by Kings Court Trust

When it comes to dealing with the next steps following bereavement, we know that families value our personal approach.  This is why we always offer a meeting at their convenience with a trusted adviser to talk through what needs to be done and offer practical and empathetic support.  

The Kings Court Trust quoting tool, Onsite, allows you to meet a family face to face in their home in order to talk about estate administration and provide a guaranteed, fixed price quote quickly and clearly.

We understand that you could be working across the country, with varying levels of mobile and internet connection, so we have enabled Onsite to work both on and offline.  This means that you will always be able to help a client by providing a quote in a matter of minutes, regardless of where you choose to meet them.

Setting up Onsite for offline use couldn’t be easier.

The first time you log on to Onsite you need to make sure you are online. Set it up when you have some spare time and are connected to a good internet connection. When you arrive at the Onsite login page you will be asked to re-enter the same email address and password you use to access our online portal, Insight – so don’t worry, there is no need to remember another set of login details!

This is the slightly technical bit… these details are stored on your own computer in an area called your cache memory. This means that we do not have access to your username and password, which is great for security and means that you don’t need to be online for them to work.

The only other thing you need to do now is set up a shortcut so that you can access Onsite when you are not connected to the web. You can set up shortcuts in a variety of ways. You might choose to set up a bookmark on your internet browser or save it as a shortcut on your desktop. Instructions on how to do this can be found in our Onsite user guide.

You can also set up Onsite offline on tablet devices but you will still need to set up a shortcut.  There, are lots of websites that explain how to do this but we recommend this one from How-To Geek.

What happens when I’m offline?

You will know you are offline because the home page of Onsite will tell you so. In the status bar you will see a green tick and the word ‘Online’ or a red cross and the word ‘Offline’.

While offline, you will be able to quote and even set up a contract for sale. You just need to remember to log on to Onsite when you are back online to sync the data. This will make sure that it is transferred to Kings Court Trust and any contract you have set up will be sent to the client and to us - success!

Our helpful YouTube video shows you how to use Onsite and set up your computer for offline use but if you have any questions you can always speak to our client services team on 0300 303 9000 or by emailing partners@kctrust.co.uk

Author: Kings Court Trust

Your partner through probate. Kings Court Trust is an award-winning probate and estate administration provider that support families at the difficult time of losing a loved one. Our tax and legal teams have the expertise to advise on any situation. We are committed to offering families a great service for a fair price which is why we work on a fixed fee basis so they know exactly what our service will cost from the outset.