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Kings Court Trust

Your partner through probate. Kings Court Trust is an award-winning probate and estate administration provider that support families at the difficult time of losing a loved one. Our tax and legal teams have the expertise to advise on any situation. We are committed to offering families a great service for a fair price which is why we work on a fixed fee basis so they know exactly what our service will cost from the outset.

Recent Posts

Lower Inheritances Leading to More Disputes and Fraud Cases

on Sep 3, 2015 9:00:00 AM By | Kings Court Trust |
The subject of inheritance has been in the news a fair bit recently, with some parents choosing to spend their savings rather than pass them down to their children or grandchildren. With 35% of Britons relying on an inheritance to provide them with a stable financial future, and 20% stating that they require an inheritance to retire comfortably, there is the potential for an increasing number of complications and disputes to arise.
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Bereavement Services - The Modern Approach to Supporting your Clients

on Sep 1, 2015 9:00:00 AM By | Kings Court Trust |
The way in which we ‘consume’ services has changed considerably in the last decade or so. Many retail experts confidently argue that our expectations of service providers are now at an all-time high, with customers demanding access to a wide range of professionally delivered services every time they make a purchase. Does this theory apply to helping bereaved families as well?
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How to Manage your Estate in the Digital Age

on Aug 31, 2015 9:00:00 AM By | Kings Court Trust |
With an ever increasing amount of our lives spent and documented online, it is perhaps unsurprising that many companies now offer services that allow you to manage your digital assets, even after you have died. This can include everything from a service that saves all of your passwords in one place, to a system that will send messages to your loved ones after you have passed away.
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The Most Peculiar Will Requests

on Aug 27, 2015 9:00:00 AM By | Kings Court Trust |
Kings Court Trust firmly believes in the benefits of having a professional help draft a Will to ensure that everybody’s final wishes are made clear and carried out accurately. Drafting a Will and carefully considering what is to happen to our finances is not the most cheery of topics, but one that should be taken very seriously.
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Inheritance Tax Relief on Charitable Donations Leading to more Contested Wills

on Aug 27, 2015 9:00:00 AM By | Kings Court Trust |
The Solicitors Journal recently published an article which claimed that an increase in the number of people leaving charitable donations in their Wills is leading to a rise in the number of contested cases.
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DIY Wills "Could Cause Family Disputes" Warns Legal Expert

on Aug 27, 2015 9:00:00 AM By | Kings Court Trust |
When making a Will, many people choose to use a DIY kit or online template for a variety of reasons. Research shows that 37% of us thought it would be cheaper than going through a solicitor, whilst others thought it would be quicker to do it ourselves or didn’t want a stranger knowing their business.
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Ten of the Strangest Wills of All Time

on Aug 25, 2015 9:00:00 AM By | Kings Court Trust |
According to the Guardian, less than half of UK adults have drawn up a Will, which leaves more than 26 million people with no formal instructions on how their assets should be distributed after their death.
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Legacy Income Boost for Charities

on Aug 21, 2015 9:00:00 AM By | Kings Court Trust |
Recent statistics have highlighted that the UK is becoming more generous in the amounts they leave to charity. However, what may be surprising is that we are leaving more inheritance to animal charities than those that protect our children!
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President of Gabon to Give Away Inheritance

on Aug 20, 2015 9:00:00 AM By | Kings Court Trust |
The BBC reports that Ali Bongo, the President of Gabon, is giving away his inheritance to set up a foundation for young people and their education. According to news sources, the political figure is set to give away the millions of dollars he is due to inherit from his father, who died in 2009. His father’s estate is yet to be distributed to the 53 declared heirs but his son has now announced that he will use the money to build an educational infrastructure in Gabon.
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