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How HMCTS and HMRC are shaping the future of digital probate
HMCTS probate report 2025: Progress, challenges, and opportunities
2024 in review
Today's Wills and Probate podcast
Understanding Abatement in Wills
Understanding Inheritance Tax in the UK: Key Considerations
Probate fees to rise in May 2024
Rising inheritance disputes: Potential causes and mitigating risk
2023 in review
Inheritance Tax interest rates continue to rise
Why are Financial Advisers worried about intergenerational wealth transfer?
2022 in review
What happens to Trusts in Wills following a death?
20 reasons to work in partnership with Kings Court Trust
Why Financial Advisers should speak to clients about intergenerational wealth transfer
A customer-first strategy: Providing practical and impartial advice for bereaved families
Research reveals the intergenerational wealth transfer opportunity for financial advisers
HMCTS changes: Inheritance Tax reporting for excepted estates
Ministry of Justice extends virtual Will witnessing legislation
A look back at 2021
Business and Agricultural Relief: What you need to know
Ministry of Justice proposes increase to probate fees
Intergenerational wealth transfers: The risk and opportunity upon the death of your client
2020: The year in review
Why digital assets should be included in a Will
Infographic: Intergenerational wealth transfer in the UK
Should Will registration be mandatory?
Virtual Will witnessing: Are we at risk of seeing more disputed Wills?
Inheritance Tax receipts decrease for the first time in a decade
Transparency: An overview of compliance within the legal services industry
A partner email highlighting how you can grow your business
Inheritance disputes continue to rise – Is ‘modern life’ to blame?
Four celebrities who left behind important lessons about Wills
How Brexit could impact the estate administration process
Civil partnership or marriage? Mixed-sex couples now have the choice
What to expect in 2020
2019 in review
Discussing death with your clients: effective techniques and advice
PPI deadline passes: Are estates now at risk?
Why George Michael’s Will may leave your clients with questions
We answer four of our most asked questions about probate and estate administration
Highlights from the Kings Court Trust 2019 Seminars
Introducing our new guide for professionals: Understanding estate administration
How Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) claims against estates may impact your business
Q+A with Simon Hancox, David Masterton and Tom Curran
What to expect in 2019
Inheritance Tax review to be published by the end of 2018
Does the legal industry need to be more transparent about pricing?
Research provides insightful findings about the Will writing industry in 2018
How the rise in Inheritance Tax will impact financial advisers
GDPR: Understanding your data responsibilities
Part 2: Understanding probate and estate administration
Partner testimonial: "Reaching head and shoulders above the rest"
Part 1: Understanding probate and estate administration
What is GDPR and how does it impact your business?
Leave more for your loved ones. Plan ahead and make future savings.
Prince’s siblings will inherit his $200 million estate following a year long legal battle
Debt higher than savings for over 50s
Baby boomers unaware of risks of intestacy
Proposed probate fee increases scrapped ahead of General Election
Champagne on ice: how and why to delight your clients
Could the increase in probate fees be unlawful?
Charities win appeal at the Supreme Court in landmark Ilott inheritance case
Kings Court Trust condemns government’s decision to increase probate fees
Katie Price reveals she hasn’t changed her Will since splitting with her ex-husband
Kings Court Trust adds thoughts to Which? article on DIY probate
Significant increase in online sales delivered by Kings Court Trust
Fixed price v hourly fees – A potentially expensive mistake?
More money than ever to be passed on to the younger generation
A third of parents unwilling to leave an inheritance to their married children
Sharp rise predicted in value of UK generational wealth transfer
New Year, new Will?
Merry Christmas from Kings Court Trust
Leading estate administration provider relocates to Bristol
Women took advantage of her husband’s Alzheimer’s to disinherit their son
What will your digital legacy be?
More people to be hit by Inheritance Tax due to growing number of UK millionaires
Kings Court Trust moves to new office in Bristol
Increase in Will disputes attributed to rising property prices
Changes to Succession Law in Scotland could have big impact on inheritances
Inter-generational wealth transfer – Are US advisers ahead of the game?
A fifth of Britons haven’t written a Will because they don’t feel wealthy enough
Increased probate fees – A ‘stealth’ tax on the wealthy?
Why is the cost of death rising?
Kings Court Trust’s fixed price estate administration service could save bereaved families up to 15%
The majority of the population wants financial advice to deal with their retirement
Millions of Brits banking on inheritance windfalls
Remember a charity week 2016
Record number of charitable legacies left in 2015
Government makes changes to Inheritance Tax rules for non-doms
Judge overturns Will after brothers challenge its validity
Why is it important to talk about dying?
Britain’s top billionaire avoids huge Inheritance Tax bill
Majority of financial advisers plan to extend their range of services
How to mitigate Inheritance Tax - Tips from FT Adviser
I’ve been named as an executor. What does this mean?
A quick guide to Inheritance Tax
Going the extra mile for our customers
UK families pay out record levels in Inheritance Tax
Keeping your Will safe – Why is it important?
Why you should be setting up Onsite for offline use
Ministry of Justice plans could see probate fees increase by 9000%
Five reasons you should be using Onsite
As an executor, am I personally liable?
What’s involved in the estate administration process?
What happens to your estate if you die without a Will?
First steps after death
How to deal with Trusts in Wills
Citizen’s Advice reports sharp rise in queries regarding intestate estates
What needs to be done when someone dies?
What happens to your digital legacy when you die?
Why should I prepare a Will?
What is a LPA and how would it help me?
Dying Matters Awareness week 9–15 May
Lucian Freud’s estate uses portrait to offset Inheritance Tax bill
Could there be a battle ahead over Prince’s fortune?
Kings Court Trust's new look - We are the estate administration people
Lynda Bellingham’s sons taking legal action to challenge her Will
Significant increase in homeowners liable for Inheritance Tax
70% want to leave a legacy for their grandchildren
How Kings Court Trust ensures that your inheritance is safe
Inheritance Tax payments jump to record levels
Could the rise in number of unmarried couples be linked to increased Will disputes?
96% of executors are unaware of their legal liability
Cost of funerals driving families into debt
Kings Court Trust’s response to the planned reform of Grant of Probate fees
Majority of people unaware of risks posed by DIY Wills
Change in Scottish legislation could impact validity of Wills
Rise in public awareness sees more LPAs granted
Rise in probate fees could see bereaved families struggle
Charities to appeal decision in Ilott inheritance case
Grieving families face significant rise in probate fees
Rock star or not, everyone needs a Will
The Emotional Stress of Dealing With a Bereavement
Average Cost of Professionally Written Wills Drop
The Risk of Miscalculating Your Inheritance Tax - You Could Be Branded a Criminal
Regulation of Will Writing Popular Amongst the Public
UK Councils Pick Up £1.7m Bill for So-Called 'Paupers Funerals'
Banks Change Limits on Monetary Releases Following Death
Labour Makes Calls for Significant Changes to Inheritance Tax Laws
Can I Reclaim Inheritance Tax on my Father's Shares Now that the Value Has Fallen?
Charity Supporters Update their Wills at 10,000 feet!
Lower Inheritances Leading to More Disputes and Fraud Cases
Bereavement Services - The Modern Approach to Supporting your Clients
How to Manage your Estate in the Digital Age
The Most Peculiar Will Requests
Inheritance Tax Relief on Charitable Donations Leading to more Contested Wills
DIY Wills "Could Cause Family Disputes" Warns Legal Expert
Ten of the Strangest Wills of All Time
Legacy Income Boost for Charities
President of Gabon to Give Away Inheritance
Do You Fully Understand the New Inheritance Tax (IHT) Regulations?
Over 33% of Brits Reliant on Inheritance for Financial Future
The New Inheritance Tax Rules - Good News or Too Complicated to Understand?
272-Year-Old Legacy Could See Teenage Boys Receive £20,000
Landmark Ilott Ruling May Boost Demand for Professional Will Writing
More Than 16% of Over 60s Leave a Charitable Donation in their Will
Daughter Excluded From Mother's Will Wins £164k Inheritance in Landmark Case
Businessman Leaves £8m Worth of Ferraris to RNLI in Will
British Public Failing to Make Inheritance Plans
Do You Still Need a Foreign Will to Cover Your European Holiday Home?
Man Hides Inheritance From Government to Claim Benefits
How a Cheap Will Could Leave Your Family in Ruins
How a £90 Will from Barclays Cost a Woman Half her Father's House
What Do Our Wills Say About Us?
Thousands of UK Families to Miss Out on IHT Break
Charities Win Landmark Legal Battle over 'Death Bed Gift'
Fake Will Salesman Jailed
Cinderella-Like Figure Has £120k Inheritance Stolen from Half-Sisters
Dying Matters Awareness Week - 18-24 May 2015
Long-term Estate Planning - the New Norm?
25% of Brits Won't Leave an Inheritance
Unregulated Probate Providers a Risk to Elderly Individuals
Blackadder Actress' Will Leaves Fortune to be Divided Amongst Children
Councillor Found Guilty of Defrauding Disabled Brother Out of Inheritance
Landowners Offered New Route to Protect their Land for Future Generations
Heir of Multi-Millionaire Jailed for IHT Evasion
Artwork from Lucien Freud Estate Left to UK Galleries
How Inheritance Tax (IHT) Could be Made Fairer for All
Probate Lawyer Wins Revolutionary Inheritance Case
New IHT Rules Herald Changes to Wills
When William Herd Died He Left £300,000 But His Only Son Never Saw a Penny: Why You Must Write a Will
Facebook Legacy Contacts Now Available
Looking to Spend Your Children's Inheritance?
Dying in Leeds One of the Highest Costs in the Country
Will Writing Services Now Available on Shopping Channel
Online Wills Searched More than Six Million Times in One Month
Older Separating Couples Failing to Update Wills
The Effects of Unregulated Will Writing Highlighted
Reforms to IHT Promised by Conservatives Ahead of General Election
Mother Revealed to Have Stolen £20k of Daughter's Inheritance