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5 steps to creating a simple digital estate plan

on 08-Mar-2024 13:05:00 By | Charlotte Toogood |
When estate planning, there are some things that are essential to include. For example: who will inherit any property, who may care for a dependent child, or what should happen to various personal belongings. One thing that often gets overlooked is what happens to a person’s digital assets.
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Digital legacy planning: How to protect your digital memories

on 06-Sep-2022 10:29:10 By | Nigel Merchant |
Before the digital era, sentimental memories consisted of printed photographs, photo albums, postcards, scrapbooks, and certificates. Due to their tangible nature, these were easily retrievable by the loved ones of someone who had passed away. Fast-forward to today’s modern world where digital technology has become an integral part of our personal lives, people have now opted to store their sentimental memories online, for example, photos on social media and videos on cloud storage. Unfortunately, many do not consider what will happen to these digital assets upon death; accessing sentimental memories online can be a difficult task for loved ones to navigate without prior digital legacy planning.
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8 life events that should trigger a Will update

on 12-Jan-2022 16:02:49 By | Nigel Merchant |
Life isn’t predictable nor does it happen in any specific order. Some people may get married at 21 or others at 60. Some may get divorced while others may have an opportunity to move to a new continent every few years. Whatever path we are led down in life, there is one thing that applies to us all – we will experience events that trigger the need to create and update a Will.
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Legacy and in-memory giving set to double by 2045

on 11-Feb-2020 12:59:21 By | Kings Court Trust |
The number of gifts left to charities in Wills each year is set to increase from 120,000 to 200,000 by 2045, reaching a value of £10 billion. This is due to various factors including increases in deaths, more individuals leaving behind Wills and a higher proportion of people leaving gifts in their Will, according to a report by Legacy Foresight.
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UK Inheritance Figures Total £75bn from 2008-2010

on 04-Nov-2013 09:00:00 By | Kings Court Trust |
The Office of National Statistics (ONS) has published an analysis of inheritance patterns in the UK.
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Margaret Thatcher's Legacy Details Remain Unknown

on 08-May-2013 09:00:00 By | Kings Court Trust |
Britain said its last goodbye to Margaret Thatcher last month, when she was laid to rest with prayers and ceremony, but her financial legacy is still shrouded in mystery. The Iron Lady, a grocer's daughter who rose to become the country's first female prime minister, passed away peacefully while staying at the world-famous Ritz hotel, owned by her long-time supporters and media businessmen, the Barclay brothers.
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Legacies to Peak in 2047 and Halve Within 15 Years…

on 03-Oct-2011 09:00:00 By | Kings Court Trust |
According to a recent HSBC survey ‘The Age of Inheritance’, the average legacy received today is £46,000, although half of all people who inherit actually receive under £10,000.
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Charitable Giving in a Tough Climate

on 01-Aug-2011 09:00:00 By | Kings Court Trust |
It has long been the case that gifts in Wills provide a vital source of income for charities. It may surprise you to learn that many charities state that 80% of their voluntary donations come from legacy income.
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A Short History of Inheritance Tax

on 03-Mar-2011 09:00:00 By | Kings Court Trust |
Some people still sometimes refer to Inheritance Tax (IHT) as Death Duty. The tax has gone by a number of names over the years (not all of them complimentary…) and was, perhaps, most memorably characterised by Labour Chancellor Roy Jenkins as “…a voluntary levy paid by those who distrust their heirs more than they dislike the Inland Revenue.”
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