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Arranging and paying for a funeral: The things you need to know

on 13-Apr-2022 11:15:00 By | Nigel Merchant |
When a loved one passes away, the emotional strain can be overwhelming. Amidst the grief, one of the most difficult tasks is often arranging a funeral service. Whilst it's never easy to think about or plan, understanding the funeral arrangement process and how to manage the associated costs, can help relieve some of the stress experienced during a challenging time. We understand that bearing the responsibility of organising the perfect memorial to honour a loved one's life may feel like a monumental task. That's why we've created this blog post, to help you understand the steps involved and inform you of the options that are available to make the process smoother.
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Why is the cost of death rising?

on 14-Jun-2018 09:44:00 By | Kings Court Trust |
Past research has shown that the cost of death is soaring, with funerals becoming more expensive than ever before.
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Children to Receive Lessons on How to Cope With Grief

on 04-Jul-2013 09:00:00 By | Kings Court Trust |
Grief is a natural condition that most people will eventually experience at some stage of their lives when losing someone or something they love, but it can be quite difficult to know how to help children cope with the loss, especially when parents are trying to work through their own bereavement. The organisation Child Bereavement UK is launching a nationwide campaign encouraging teachers to give children lessons on how to overcome grief when the worst happens with a parent or a sibling.
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