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Kings Court Trust

Your partner through probate. Kings Court Trust is an award-winning probate and estate administration provider that support families at the difficult time of losing a loved one. Our tax and legal teams have the expertise to advise on any situation. We are committed to offering families a great service for a fair price which is why we work on a fixed fee basis so they know exactly what our service will cost from the outset.

Recent Posts

Charitable Giving in a Tough Climate

on 01-Aug-2011 09:00:00 By | Kings Court Trust |
It has long been the case that gifts in Wills provide a vital source of income for charities. It may surprise you to learn that many charities state that 80% of their voluntary donations come from legacy income.
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Choosing Your Executors

on 11-Jul-2011 09:00:00 By | Kings Court Trust |
Recent publicity has highlighted the need for care when appointing executors to one’s will. Banks have come in for bruising criticism of their charges for acting as executor and, on 17th March 2011, The Law Society issued a practice note to solicitors setting out their responsibilities to their clients in this regards. Nicholas Beetham discusses the issues you should consider when choosing your executors and sets out a useful checklist to help you make the right decision.
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Administering Estates with Overseas Assets

on 01-Jul-2011 09:00:00 By | Kings Court Trust |
Dealing with overseas assets can give even the most patient executor a continent-sized headache. Nicholas Beetham looks at how Kings Court’s in-house expertise calmly deals with an element of estate administration whose frequency is on the increase.
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For Those Left Behind - How to Handle Intestacy

on 04-May-2011 09:00:00 By | Kings Court Trust |
There seem to be many reasons for dying intestate. Inertia may be the culprit; or the (usually mistaken) beliefs that “my partner will get everything” or “I haven’t got anything to leave.” Occasionally intestacy may arise accidentally, for example where a will has been prepared but not signed, or, for whatever other reason, fails.
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A Short History of Inheritance Tax

on 03-Mar-2011 09:00:00 By | Kings Court Trust |
Some people still sometimes refer to Inheritance Tax (IHT) as Death Duty. The tax has gone by a number of names over the years (not all of them complimentary…) and was, perhaps, most memorably characterised by Labour Chancellor Roy Jenkins as “…a voluntary levy paid by those who distrust their heirs more than they dislike the Inland Revenue.”
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A Fair Price for Probate

on 10-Nov-2010 09:00:00 By | Kings Court Trust |
William Feeny, Chartered Accountant, discusses the various practices that have evolved for pricing estate administration services. Most advisers working in the financial services market will understand the concepts of “credence goods” and “asymmetry of information”. But there are many consumers who purchase these services everyday and do not recognise the words or the dangers.
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