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Kings Court Trust

Kings Court Trust is an award-winning probate and estate administration provider that support families at the difficult time of losing a loved one. Our tax and legal teams have the expertise to advise on any situation. We are committed to offering families a great service for a fair price which is why we work on a fixed fee basis so they know exactly what our service will cost from the outset.

Recent Posts

Ensuring your affairs are in order: The importance of estate planning

on 18-Mar-2021 10:55:28 By | Kings Court Trust |
Death is not a subject that we like to consider or discuss, however, planning ahead is more important than ever to ensure your affairs are in order before your passing. Regardless of your age, wealth, health or status, planning for your future can guarantee your wishes are followed and ensure your loved ones get the full benefit of your legacy. Taking the necessary steps and precautions during your lifetime can also eliminate any unnecessary stress that your loved ones may face when administering your estate when the times comes.
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Will the Inheritance Tax rate rise to pay for the COVID-19 pandemic?

on 02-Mar-2021 10:51:41 By | Kings Court Trust |
Four in 10 people fear the UK Government will increase the current 40 per cent Inheritance Tax (IHT) rate to help cover the cost of the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings, from research by Tower Street Finance among 2,000 UK adults, revealed more than half (54 per cent) think the Government is set to hike the rate of IHT to 50 per cent, three in ten fear a rise to 60 per cent and one in seven predict it could rise to 70 per cent.
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Football hero, Diego Maradona’s complicated financial legacy

on 18-Dec-2020 10:42:36 By | Kings Court Trust |
The Argentine football icon, Diego Maradona, passed away in November after suffering a heart attack at the age of 60. Maradona’s passing has caused speculation about his wealth and complicated financial legacy, as it’s been suspected that he passed away without a Will.
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TV & radio presenter, Caroline Flack, left no plans for her £2m estate

on 01-Dec-2020 11:51:27 By | Kings Court Trust |
In February 2020, the heartbreaking news broke that Caroline Flack, the popular TV and radio presenter, best known for presenting Love Island, sadly took her life at the age of 40.
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Kate Garraway's story shines the spotlight on the importance of an LPA

on 24-Nov-2020 13:13:04 By | Kings Court Trust |
It’s a thought no one enjoys pondering, but what would happen if we fell ill or had an accident and were unable to make important decisions for ourselves? Many people believe this only applies as we get older, however, no one is immune to an unfortunate circumstance, which makes it all the more important to think about and plan for sooner rather than later.
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Video Will witnessing to be made legal in England and Wales

on 06-Aug-2020 10:43:45 By | Kings Court Trust |
As of September 2020, the Wills Act 1837 will be amended to allow the two Will witnesses to be virtually or physically present.
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Wills, probate and estate administration in a COVID-19 world

on 22-Jul-2020 23:29:21 By | Kings Court Trust |
It’s no secret - the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has posed several challenges to almost every aspect of our lives. The Wills and probate industry is no exception.
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Legacy and in-memory giving set to double by 2045

on 11-Feb-2020 12:59:21 By | Kings Court Trust |
The number of gifts left to charities in Wills each year is set to increase from 120,000 to 200,000 by 2045, reaching a value of £10 billion. This is due to various factors including increases in deaths, more individuals leaving behind Wills and a higher proportion of people leaving gifts in their Will, according to a report by Legacy Foresight.
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Inheritance disputes set to increase as more British adults are willing to dispute a Will

on 09-Jan-2020 14:52:00 By | Kings Court Trust |
Recent research highlights the increasing likelihood of disputes over inheritance. According to Direct Line Life Insurance, 12.6 million British adults would be prepared to dispute a Will and go to court if they disagreed with the division of their relative’s estate. On average, 22% of UK residents would contest a loved one’s Will, 13% would be willing to contest their parent’s Will, and 11% would contest their partner’s Will*.
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